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If you ask 10 people why the market is going up you will receive 10 different answers. It appears that the market is breaking through ceilings despite the technical indicators,...
Read MoreReal Estate/Tax Liens/Deeds

Numerous foreclosures suggest that cities and states do not get the residential or commercial property taxes they require streaming into their coffers, and they experience a...
Read MoreCorporate Credit

Building a business takes capital; the more money you have access to the faster you grow. Most business owners use their own personal credit to fund their business, or they...
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Years ago I heard the old Chinese proverb, “Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn.” I was blessed with an excellent memory, so I didn’t quite...
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Business Needs Credit To Grow

Jul 14, 2019
Building a business takes capital; the more money you have access to the faster you grow. Most business owners use their own personal credit to fund their business, or they drain their personal savings and borrow money from family and friends. But why do this if you don’t need to? Our Business Credit Builder program helps you start and grow your...
Wealth Is Not For Everyone

Nov 20, 2017
Daily I see and hear people, especially politicians, talking about financial equality. First of all what is financial equality? And secondly, there is no such thing, regardless of what may be the answer. The reality is that wealth is not for everyone. Before you have a hissy, first listen to the facts and then decide. Money has a powerful feature which most...
The Money Dance

Jul 31, 2017
Everyone talks about money, need money, want money, gotta have money, money is necessary, money makes the world go round and then everyone rushes out to get a JOB. A job will satisfy some of those money issues above, but none will make you wealthy. Some jobs may make you rich, but you better not stop working or the riches will stop flowing. The money dance is...